MaMaSaR / Brewlog

Dark Saison #4Appalachian Allspice Ale

Dark saison, dosed with foraged Northern Spicebush berries.

I have a Northern Spicebush in my yard and several in the neighborhood. The berries are said to be similar to allspice, hence the nickname, Appalachian allspice. The grist is based on The Mad Fermentationist's Funky Dark Saison 6, but using dark wheat malt. I'm reducing the boil time to 30 min, based on a recent article in Zymurgy. For hopping, I've picked Tettnang, but also left-over Cluster for some additional bittering.

Brew summary

5 gallons
Brew date
2020 May 30
Bottling date
2020 July 07
Original gravity
Final gravity
Alcohol by volume
Estimated bitterness
Estimated calories
180 Calories/12 oz
Estimated carbohydrates
14 g/12 oz


3.00 lbsThomas-Fawcett Maris Otter maltMash
3.00 lbsBest Malz Munich maltMash
3.00 lbsAvangard Vienna maltMash
1.25 lbsWeyermann dark wheat maltMash
0.62 lbsDingemans Special BMash
1.00 lbD-45 Belgian candi syrupBoil for 5 minutes
0.50 ozCluster pellet hopsBoil for 30 minutes
2.00 ozGerman Tettnang pellet hopsBoil for 30 minutes
0.75 ozGerman Tettnang pellet hopsBoil for 5 minutes
1 TblNorthern Spicebush berriesBoil for 5 minutes
1WLP565 Belgian Saison I Ale yeastPrimary
Filtered Baltimore tap
1.5 gGypsumMash
0.4 gCalcium chlorideMash
3.8 mLLactic acidMash
1.7 gGypsumSparge
0.4 gCalcium chlorideSparge
1.1 mLLactic acidSparge


Mash at 148°F. Boil, adding hops, sugar, and spice as indicated. Chill to 65°F, rack to primary, and pitch.

Volume: 5.5 gal, OG: 1.058 (70% eff.), FG: 1.005, 7.0 ABV, 25 IBU

Source: Mind of Mike

Grain/AdjunctTimingWeightWeight FractionPPGExtractExtract Fraction
Maris OtterMash3.00025.3%3879.824.9%
Dark wheatMash1.25010.5%3833.210.4%
Special BMash0.6255.3%3615.74.9%
D-45 Belgian candi syrupBoil1.0008.4%3636.011.2%
T mash (F)T water (F)Volume (gal)
ClusterPellets6.80.5Boil for 30 minutes18.38
German TettnangPellets3.22.0Boil for 30 minutes18.316
German TettnangPellets3.20.8Boil for 5 minutes4.82
DateSGT (°F)Cor. SGAp. Atten. (%)ABV (%)Note
30 May1.05472

Brew log

30 May

Mash and lauter. Measuring in the grain bed: 149°F at 10 min, 147°F at 50 min. Collected about 6.25 gal of 1.044 wort. About 5% low. I'm also now noticing that the candi syrup is 1.032, rather than the 1.036 I have in my database. With these revisions, I'm expecting 1.055 in the end.

Boil. The spicebush berries have an intense herbal aroma, similar to a strong celery, or Italian parsely. The taste reminds me of sichuan pepper, but without the numbing. It also makes my mouth water.

Racked 5.0 gal wort to the fermentor. I used the keg screen for racking by putting the racking cane inside it. The filtering was great, but near the end the trub gunked up the screen and I couldn't finish. Otherwise, I think I could have gotten another pint to quart. Pitched at 72°F, by the instant thermometer. A couple hours later the probe measures 69°F.

7 Jul

Assumed 4.5 gal in bottling bucket, aimed for 2.5 volumes of CO2, I prepared 3.9 oz table sugar in 1 pint water. Racked 4.5 gal to bucket and filled bottles, purple-capped and labeled with DS.




